Exam Review CEH v12

In december 2022, i took the Certified Ethical Hacking Exam v12 from EC-Council.
This exam and training were on my todo list for a couple of years already.


I took the training at Startel in the Netherlands (sept. 2021) at that time it was still version 11 of the training. Startel has a sort of bond with the trainer Dimitrios Zacharopoulos. I can tell you if you want to study for CEH, you need to get trained by this guy! Awesome dude and what a lot of knowledge from the field!

During the training you get access to the iLabs of EC-Council. In this environment you can do all the practical questions you get during the training. Real handy to get familiar with the tools and commands.

The training it self was a 5 day classroom training and those days were pretty packed.
The trainer took the chapters from the study material and gave a lot of real life samples for about every situation you can think of.

If you are lucky and get the training from Dimitrios, he will give you a lot of resources which you can use during your study after the training:

– Practice exams (created by Dimitrios himself)
– Summary of almost all available Tools
– Tools
– eBooks
– Links
– Videos

It took me ages to explore all those Gigabytes of resources, but man they were handy!

I had in mind to study for the exam about 2 or 3 months after the training and then take the exam.
Yeah Right….

I think i started studying again around May 2022, from my employer i had access to the pluralsight library and there was a course Certified Ethical Hacking prep. I watched a lot of chapters and i build my own Cybersecurity homelab with the use of another pluralsight course: Build a cybersecurity lab

Aslo if you are a vExpert you also get access to the pluralsight library.

The practical studying helped me memorizing all the different tools and for which they can be used also you have to know commandline options of several tools, and what is better than hands-on studying!

Also check the EC-Council website for the latest Exam blueprint and get familiar with all the chapters and parts mentioned in it.

About the Exam

  • Number of Questions: 125
  • Test Duration: 4 hours
  • Test Format: Multiple choice
  • Test Delivery: ECC EXAM, VUE
  • Exam Prefix: 312-50 (ECC EXAM), 312-50 (VUE)

Passing Score

The individual rating of all questions contribute to an overall “Cut Score” for each exam form. To ensure each form has equal assessment standards, cut scores are set on a “per exam form” basis. Depending on which exam form is challenged, cut scores can range from 60% to 85%.

Scheduling the Exam

After i fullfilled the classroom training I got an Exam Voucher with a validity of 1 year.
I wanted to take the exam just before the Exam Voucher would expire, but ofcourse during my holiday i did not study as much as i wanted.

I didn’t fel comfortable with taking the exam, so i contacted EC-Council and extended the voucher with 3 monts. Costs around 35 dollars.

The vouchers can be extended only 1 time, this gave me an extra 3 monts to study.
I scheduled the exam on the 9th of december 10:00 at the same location where i took the training. (This was a hard requirement for the voucher).

Exam Day

Most of the time when i book an exam it is in the morning, this time was no exception.
I arrived at 9:30 at the exam center and after login and the identity check i could immediatly start.
I think it took me roughly 2.5 hours to answer all the 125 question. so from my opinion the 4 hours was more than enough.

After clicking finish, it is always a relief to see the PASSED mark on the screen.
Man i was happy after all the work i put into it.

Exam Audit

But then…. after a few days not hearing anything from EC-Council, i got the following mail in may inbox:

So i had to ask my employer for an experience letter, when i send this the exam was cut free and it was official!

I am now a Certified Ethical Hacker, Hell yeah!

VMware Usagemeter issue sending data after upgrade to

This week i upgraded an usagemeter from to with the inplace upgrade method.
Usage Meter patch release rolled out on May 23rd. This release addresses a major issue found in Usage Meter 4.5. For more information i refer to the following blog:


The release notes can be found at:

We followed the upgrade guide provided by VMware:

After the reboot and check if the upgrade was successful we tried to send a test update to the Usage Insight. The test send of data failed with thw following error:

In the notifications we can find the following messages:

After a search through the VMware Knowlegde Base I came across this article:


To test connectivity to vCloud Usage Insight by using the curl command:

curl -kv https://ums.cloud.vmware.com/um/api/v1/ping --proxy

The response came back with HTTP status code 200, so that was OK.

Now we check the vCloud Usage Meter registration status in vCloud Usage Insight by using the curl command:

curl -kv https://ums.cloud.vmware.com/um/api/v1/upload/registration?um=<UM UUID> --proxy

This response also came back with HTTP status code 200, so AOK, so far for the checks…

Let’s get in touch with GSS

As this was the advice all along in the first error message ….

The GSS engineer stated that there was an issue with the nginx jvm settings when using a proxy.
We had to add a line to the nginx.conf in the following directory, but before we change anything lets make a snapshot of the system in case we ruin everything.

Remark: Please contact GSS if you want support editing files, and always make a backup or in this case a snapshot before changing settings

Edit the nginx.conf and add the follwing line somewhere around line 58,

This line set a dummy file for proxy configuration., we are setting a dummy proxy configuration as we are hitting a known issue and this will be fixed in a future release.

jvm_options "-Dproxy_config=/tmp/vami-file";

Go down one dir to /opt/vmware/cloudusagemetering

Stop NGINX service with the follwing command:

./scripts/stop.sh GW

Now start the service again:

Start NGINX service

Now get the status of all services:

You see a lot of errors, these can be ignored.

Now go to the VAMI UI and reset the proxy again:


Now go to the Settings Page in the Usage Meter UI and Send an update to Usage Insight.

It works! You can also check the usagemeter in Insight: Go to https://ums.cloud.vmware.com/ui/
The last update should be after the issue was fixed!

Remark: Please contact GSS if you want support editing files, and always make a backup or in this acse a snapshot before changing settings