When i added a host to an existing vSAN cluster via the SDDC manager the task failed with the following error: “Found zero ssd devices for SSD cache tier”
To quickly fix this we need to set the cache disk on the ESXi host to SSD, you can check the current value with the vdq -q command. As you can see in the picture below the disk I want to use for the cache is marked with a value of “0”, so it is not recognized as SSD drive.
In the past you had to set the the disk to SSD with SATP claim rules, but from version 7.x and 8.x there is a new and simpler command to do this. Run the following ESXCLI command and use the storage device ID and the -M option with value of true (or false to revert the change) to mark the device as an SSD.
esxcli storage hpp device set -d naa.6000c299027de72c68de829e23455e88 -M true
In my lab I tried to deploy Aria Operations for Networks 6.12.1 (AON/vRNI) from Aria Suite LifeCycle 8.16 (ASLC/vRLCM). Before the deployment of AON I successfully deployed other products:
Attempted to deploy Aria Ops for Networks 6.12.1 but it failed with LCMVSPHERECONFIG1000016 error.
java.io.IOException: com.vmware.vim.binding.vmodl.fault.SystemError
at com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.drivers.vsphere65.vlsi.utils.ExceptionMappingUtils.mapAndThrowImportVAppExceptions(ExceptionMappingUtils.java:78)
at com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.drivers.vsphere65.deploy.impl.BaseOvfDeploy.importOvf(BaseOvfDeploy.java:713)
at com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.plugin.core.vsphere.tasks.DeployOvfTask.execute(DeployOvfTask.java:251)
at com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.automata.core.TaskThread.run(TaskThread.java:62)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Error Code: LCMVSPHERECONFIG1000016 IO Exception occurred while performing the operation. Check the logs for more information. Unexpected ioexception occurred.
After a failed deployment of VCF 5.0, i was left with a vSAN Datastore on the first host in the cluster, and this was blocking a retry of the deployment.
In this state the vsanDatastore is unable to be deleted. If I try to delete it, the option is greyed out.
To delete the datastore and the partitions of the disks, we first need to SSH into the host and get the cluster.
We need the Sub-Cluster Master UUID, copy it to the clipboard. To leave the cluster the command is:
During a new lab deployment of VCF 5.0 i ran in to an small issue running the validation.
I deployed the hosts up front and made them available and unique before the validation. ran the following command to regenerate the certs and restart the services:
After a Failed VCF bring-up, I wanted to retry the bring-up. Luckily the error I encountered before was resolved but again I ran in to an issue during the retry.
Now the issue was with the import of the SSH Keys
Going through some internal resources i stumbled upon the solution, since this is a nested lab environment on top of VCD you have to reset the MAC address of the ESXi Host.
During my latest deployment of VCF in my lab environment I ran in to the following issue.
Failed to migrate vmnics of host to DVS sfo-m01-cl01-vds01 . Reason: Failed to migrate vmknic vmk0 to DvSwitch 50 22 42 8c d5 a1 d4 8f-6d 9e 8a 1e 93 ac 5b 9d Failed to migrate vmnics of host to DVS sfo-m01-cl01-vds01 . Reason: Failed to migrate vmknic vmk0 to DvSwitch 50 22 42 8c d5 a1 d4 8f-6d 9e 8a 1e 93 ac 5b 9d Failed to migrate vmnics of host to DVS sfo-m01-cl01-vds01 . Reason: Failed to migrate vmknic vmk0 to DvSwitch 50 22 42 8c d5 a1 d4 8f-6d 9e 8a 1e 93 ac 5b 9d Failed to migrate vmnics of host to DVS sfo-m01-cl01-vds01 . Reason: Failed to migrate vmknic vmk0 to DvSwitch 50 22 42 8c d5 a1 d4 8f-6d 9e 8a 1e 93 ac 5b 9d
The error is pretty clear, the migration of vmk0 from the standard vSwitch to the Distributed vSwitch failed on esx02. I checked esx01 and on this host the migration was successfull.
I tried to manually migrating the vmk0 to the distributed vSwitch also ran in to an error in vCenter. Right-click dvSwitch -> Add and Manage Hosts -> Manage Host Networking -> Select esx02
Click Next and leave the physical adapters as is, click next again. On the next screen click on “Assign Port Group” next to vmk0.
Click on ASSIGN next to the management portgroup
Next, Next, Finish…..Task is running and fails after a few seconds.
it is a MAC address conflict when the esxi takes the mac of the physical nic for vmk0. By deleting and recreating the vmk0 interface you generate a new MAC address for vmk0.
Steps to check, delete and recreate vmk0 interface
Login via DCUI
Enable ESXi Shell
Next, Click ALT+F1 to access ESXi console and login as root.
Type the command: esxcli network ip interface list
Make a note of the portgroup, in this case “Management network” and then remove the vmk0 with the following command: esxcli network ip interface remove –-interface-name=vmk0
When vmk0 is deleted, we can immediately create a new interface with the same name and portgroup. This is done by the following command: esxcli network ip interface add -–interface-name=vmk0 -p “Management Network”
To check if vmk0 is created again type the command: esxcli network ip interface list
Click ALT+F2 to access ESXi DCUI and login to disable the ESXi shell. Now we can configure the IP settings again via the DCUI
Go to Configure Management Settings -> IPv4 Configuration and set the static IPv4 configuration
Hit Enter then Esc and Yes to restart the management network
Now we can try to redeploy via cloudbuilder, after this the deployment went on succesfully
After a successful upgrade of NSX, after the last step the upgrade of the management plane the compute manager disappeared, let’s see how we can fix that!
When i try to add the vCenter it says it is already registered, let’s check with the API.
First do a API GET in Postman to get the compute manager id:
Now we have the compute manager id, we can check if it is registered and up:
As you can see the compute manager is registered and up, why is it not showing up in the UI?
Login with the admin user by SSH, and run the following command.
start search resync inventory
Wait a few seconds and refresh the UI, now the Compute Manager is back!
Recently i got the question if in one Cloud Director Tenant (Organization) Granular Role Based Access Control and separation of rights can be configured between multiple teams within that Organization.
In our Test case Team-A is responsible for Org VDC A and can only manage and view the Edge GW resources (networks, Edge Gateways) within that VDC-Group. Team-B responsible for Org VDC B and can manage and view the all resources in all VDC-Groups, Except the Edge GW in Org VDC A. This Edge GW can only be managed by the Team-A.
Also because of some Tenant requirements the T0 (VRF) is also split between Internet and Customer specific. You can read more about this setup in an this post.
Separation of Rights between Org VDCs
Shared networks between Org VDCs
Team-A Can only manage the Edge GW in ORG VDC A
Team-B can manage all resources in both ORG VDCs except the Edge GW in ORG VDC A
One Provider VDC (vCenter)
One Organization in Cloud Director (Tenant1)
Two Org VDC connected to the same Provider VDC (ORG VDC A & ORG VDC B)
Two Data Center Groups (VDC Group A & VDC Group B)
Two Edge GW (Edge A connected to VDC Groupp A & Edge Bconnected to VDC Group B)
Tenant Acces Role Team-A
Tenant Acces Role Team-B
Datacenter Groups
From version 10.2, VMware Cloud Director supports Data Center Group networking backed by NSX-T Data Center.
A Data Center Group acts as a Cross-VDC router that provides centralized networking administration, egress point configuration, and east-west traffic between all networks within the group.
Using Data Center Groups, we can share organization networks across various ORG VDCs. To do so we first group the virtual data centers, then create a VDC network that is scoped to the Data Center Group. A data center group can contain between one and 16 virtual data centers that are configured to share multiple egress points.
We need to created 2 Data Center Groups and connect them to the participating VDC & Edges
VDC Group A -> ORG VDC A (24-2 in picture below) & Edge A VDC Group B -> ORG VDC B (24 in picture below) & Edge B
By default, organization VDCs are shared with all users and groups that have a role which includes the Allow Access to All Organization VDCs right.
As an Organization Administrator, you can limit the access to each of the organization VDCs in your organization to specific users and groups.
Our organization has multiple organization VDCs and we want to have them managed separately, so create a custom role that would function as an organization VDC administrator and assign it to specific users or groups within your organization, providing them with access only to a specific VDC’s compute and networking resources.
For Team-B we can use the predefined role Organization Administrator. In this role the following right is allowed: Allow Access to All Organization VDCs
This permission is exactly what is tells you it does, giving you permission to ALL Organizations VDC in the Organization. So with this role we are able to manage VM’s, networks, etc in all the Organization VDC’s.
Exactly what we need for Team-B.
For Team-A we need to make a new role with more granular permissions. Create a new role and exclude the Allow Access to All Organization VDCs right. Set the rest of the permissions to view and manage the Edges and Networks.
Publish both Roles to the Tenant and create 2 users in the Tenant.
Limit Access to ORG-VDC
Now we need to limit the access to the Org VDC, on the Virtual Data Center dashboard screen, click the card of the virtual data center that you want to limit access to.
Under Settings, click Sharing, The list of users and groups within the organization that have access to the VDC appears. To change the access settings to the organization VDC, click Edit.
Select Specific Users and Groups, From the Users list, select the users that you want to provide with access to the VDC, same procedure if you are using groups.
So for ORG VDC A select Team-A, Team-B already has access to all ORG VDC because of the Allow Access to All Organization VDCs right.
To share the VDC with the selected users and groups, click Share. At this moment Team-A can only view and manage Edges and Networks in ORG VDC A, and Team B can view and manage all resources in both ORG VDCs, also the Edge in ORG VDC A. if we need to get that sorted out we need to created roles and groups for every thinkable Resource set (Edge Admin, VM Admin, DFW Admin, etc) in every ORG VDC.
But another requirement in this Test Case is the Shared Network between ORG VDCs. For this requirement it is needed to add the other VDC to the participating VDCs in the Data Center Group.
As soon as you configure this Team-A (which can only see the Edge-A in ORG VDC A), immediately can see the Edge-B under ORG VDC B. A no go in our case. The rights are distributed very horizontal. So as soon as you have multiple participating VDC in your Data Center group the team that was restricted to viewing and managing the resources in ORG VDC A, can now also view and manage the resources it is permitted to in ORG VDC B.
For this Test Case the outcome was negative as we needed shared networks between ORG VDCs. If the sharing of networks is not needed, you set a very Granular RBAC model, but keep in mind when you set the Allow Access to All Organization VDCs right in a role, the users/groups that have this role are allowed to show all resources they are eligible to in All Organization VDCs
Half way december i switched to another team at my current employer, and got my hands dirty with Cloud director, NSX-T and AVI. As this was my first real hands-on with VMware Cloud Director. I was given the task to investigate some scenarios in which a tenant is given a second Edge Gateway, for the separation of Internet and Customer Networks traffic.
Before describing the scenarios, I’ll assume you have basic NSX-T, routing and VCD knowledge.
Current Tenant Setup
In the current setup a tenant is given:
Cloud Director (10.3): Organization (example: Tenant1)
Cloud Director: Org VDC
NSX-T (3.2): VRF based tier-0 gateway for both Internet VRF and Customer VRF connected to Parent T0
Cloud Director NSX-T: 1 Edge Gateway (T1)
Clloud Director NSX-T: 1 VDC Group
If Load balancing is used: dedicated AVI Service Engine Group
Because there is a 1:1 relation between the T0 and the Edge Gateway (dedicated T0), route advertisement of connected tenant networks is available.
The traffic for both the customer networks and Internet is flowing through the same Tenant Edge gateway and VRF based tier-0 gateway.
The first scenario I tested is based on a Shared T0 (in VCD) and 2 Edge Gateways (1 for Internet and 1 for Customer Networks).
Cloud Director: Organization (example: Tenant1)
Cloud Director: Org VDC
NSX-T: VRF based tier-0 gateway for both Internet VRF and Customer VRF connected to Parent T0 (parent T0 is shared between 5 Tenants)
Cloud Director NSX-T: Set T0 to shared
Cloud Director NSX-T: two Edge Gateway (T1) connected to the same T0 (shared)
Cloud Director NSX-T: two VDC Groups (Data Center Groups)
If Load balancing is used: Shared AVI Service Engine Group (dedicated as described in current setup can also be used).
The downside of a Shared T0 is that route advertising of Tenant network connected to the Edge Gateway (T1) isn’t available to the T0.
Tenant VMs can connect to the internet or customer networks by using NAT and firewall rules. SNAT rules need to be created for outbound traffic and DNAT rules inbound traffic. Only use private IP spaces can be used for tenant networks connected to the Edge Gateway (T1).
Also because we use two Edge Gateways in an Org VDC we need to create 2 VDC Groups (Data Center Groups), because there is a restriction of 1 Edge Gateway per VDC Group (Data Center Group), two Datacenter Groups also mean 2 Distributed Firewalls to manage.
If you need connection between a VM in VDC Group 1 and a VM in VDC Group 2, you can create a network that will be spanning across both VDC groups.
In this scenario we still have the BGPs for both Internet and Customer configured on 1 VRF based tier-0 gateway, so this is not completely dedicated. And it is giving a lot of extra effort configuring the SNAT and DNAT.
We also worked out a scenario if the tenant is using AVI. In the normal setup the tenat is given a dedicated Service Engine Group. We also discovered the option to share the Service Engine Group between the Internet and Customer Networks. This option is a valid solution as the AVI per Default configures separates the traffic based on VRF in the Service Engines.
Scenario 2 – 2 Edge GW with dedicated T0
For the 2nd scenario we decoupled also the VRF Based T0 and creating again a 1:1 relation (dedicated T0) between the Edge Gateway and the VRF Based T0’s. Because of this 1:1 relationship route advertisements are available to the T0.
Cloud Director: Organization (example: Tenant1)
Cloud Director: Org VDC
NSX-T: VRF based tier-0 gateway for Internet VRF connected to Parent T0
NSX-T: VRF based tier-0 gateway for Customer VRF connected to Parent T0
Cloud Director NSX-T: Set T0 to be dedicated
Cloud Director NSX-T: two Edge Gateway (T1) connected to the dedicated T0
Cloud Director NSX-T: two VDC Groups (Data Center Groups)
If Load balancing is used: Dedicated AVI Service Engine Group (because no design Change is needed for current model)
If you need connection between a VM in VDC Group 1 and a VM in VDC Group 2, you can created a network that will be spanning across both VDC groups.
The downside of the Scenario is that there are a lot of extra resources needed, and these resources will be billed to the tenant.
We still wanted a Design that met the customer requirements and also is easy to implement in the current setup. Which already in use by several tenants and was the default tenant setup when the platform was initially designed.
In Scenario 1 the Shared setup of the shared VRF based T0 doesn’t met the Customer requirements of separating Customer Networks and Internet traffic. Also the lack of the route advertisements was an issue for the Tenant.
In Scenario 2 where we separated all parts of the setup, all the Tenant requirements were met. The downside of this Scenario is that because all parts of the setup are decoupled, the resources a tenant needs using this setup are doubled. This means:
Scenario 2 is basically a copy of the current scenario, so the initial setup will cost less time, where Scenario 1 will have some design changes (shared T0, no route advertisments, SNAT/DNAT).
This design was based upon some requirements of a tenant, i tried to take in account that we also van use this for other tenants with the same requirements.
I loved investigating these scenarios, and discovering Cloud Director! Watch out for the next post about a Test Case with RBAC on Cloud Director!
Thank you for reading!
I also would like to mention the following blog article that helped me creating this post, Thanks Daniël!
In december 2022, i took the Certified Ethical Hacking Exam v12 from EC-Council. This exam and training were on my todo list for a couple of years already.
I took the training at Startel in the Netherlands (sept. 2021) at that time it was still version 11 of the training. Startel has a sort of bond with the trainer Dimitrios Zacharopoulos. I can tell you if you want to study for CEH, you need to get trained by this guy! Awesome dude and what a lot of knowledge from the field!
During the training you get access to the iLabs of EC-Council. In this environment you can do all the practical questions you get during the training. Real handy to get familiar with the tools and commands.
The training it self was a 5 day classroom training and those days were pretty packed. The trainer took the chapters from the study material and gave a lot of real life samples for about every situation you can think of.
If you are lucky and get the training from Dimitrios, he will give you a lot of resources which you can use during your study after the training:
– Practice exams (created by Dimitrios himself) – Summary of almost all available Tools – Tools – eBooks – Links – Videos
It took me ages to explore all those Gigabytes of resources, but man they were handy!
I had in mind to study for the exam about 2 or 3 months after the training and then take the exam. Yeah Right….
I think i started studying again around May 2022, from my employer i had access to the pluralsight library and there was a course Certified Ethical Hacking prep. I watched a lot of chapters and i build my own Cybersecurity homelab with the use of another pluralsight course:Build a cybersecurity lab
Aslo if you are a vExpert you also get access to the pluralsight library.
The practical studying helped me memorizing all the different tools and for which they can be used also you have to know commandline options of several tools, and what is better than hands-on studying!
Also check the EC-Council website for the latest Exam blueprint and get familiar with all the chapters and parts mentioned in it.
About the Exam
Number of Questions: 125
Test Duration: 4 hours
Test Format: Multiple choice
Test Delivery: ECC EXAM, VUE
Exam Prefix: 312-50 (ECC EXAM), 312-50 (VUE)
Passing Score
The individual rating of all questions contribute to an overall “Cut Score” for each exam form. To ensure each form has equal assessment standards, cut scores are set on a “per exam form” basis. Depending on which exam form is challenged, cut scores can range from 60% to 85%.
Scheduling the Exam
After i fullfilled the classroom training I got an Exam Voucher with a validity of 1 year. I wanted to take the exam just before the Exam Voucher would expire, but ofcourse during my holiday i did not study as much as i wanted.
I didn’t fel comfortable with taking the exam, so i contacted EC-Council and extended the voucher with 3 monts. Costs around 35 dollars.
The vouchers can be extended only 1 time, this gave me an extra 3 monts to study. I scheduled the exam on the 9th of december 10:00 at the same location where i took the training. (This was a hard requirement for the voucher).
Exam Day
Most of the time when i book an exam it is in the morning, this time was no exception. I arrived at 9:30 at the exam center and after login and the identity check i could immediatly start. I think it took me roughly 2.5 hours to answer all the 125 question. so from my opinion the 4 hours was more than enough.
After clicking finish, it is always a relief to see the PASSED mark on the screen. Man i was happy after all the work i put into it.
Exam Audit
But then…. after a few days not hearing anything from EC-Council, i got the following mail in may inbox:
So i had to ask my employer for an experience letter, when i send this the exam was cut free and it was official!